About us

Welcome to Opal College, a distinguished vocational education and training provider located in the heart of Hobart, Tasmania. Opal College is committed to delivering high-quality courses that are aligned with industry demands, empowering students to excel in their careers.

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Course Areas

Choose a course that’s right for you and your career

How can I apply?

The application process is outlined in the diagram below:

Send Application

Complete and send your Application for Enrolment Form to us with your supportive and verified document

Interview & Verification

If your application is verified, we will arrange an interview with you. Your interview may be in person (if you are in Australia) or via phone or Skype.

Get Offer Letter

Your application will then be processed and if you are successful you will be issued with a Offer Letter and Student Agreement.

Payment Process

Review your Offer Letter and Student Agreement to ensure course fees, duration, and payment plan are correct. Read all policies and procedures. If you agree, sign and return the documents to receive an invoice

Receive COE and Apply visa

We will issue an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (COE). Use this to apply for your visa.